Welcome to Jai Electronics

As an official stockist of all brands, we offer Components, Displays and Lighting products.

Jai Electronics HQ at Mumbai is one of the most dynamic, professional electronic component distribution company with nationwide presence and network. We do support different electronic components – Active & passives, electro mechanical Components, displays and production aided products of ESD.

Established in the year 2011 we Jai Electronics. are counted amongst the eminent suppliers, wholesalers, distributors, traders and importers of a wide range of Electronic Products. Our product range includes Semiconductors Electronic Components, Integrated Circuits and Electronic Transistors. All our products are in compliance with international quality standards. These products are procured from trusted vendors of the market, who ensure 100% quality. Our products are highly demanded by our clients due to its varied features such as high performance, durability and long service life.

Our customers are positioned over a wide range of industries: Heavy Machinery, Automotive, Consumer Electronics, Medical and Telecom. Our customers are located across the globe consisting of Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), Electronics Manufacturing Service providers (EMS), and Original Design Manufacturers (ODMs). We offer a wealth of experience and market knowledge in component distribution. We pride ourselves on developing long term, mutually beneficial relationships. We provide our customers with a wide range of flexible purchasing solutions allowing them to capitalise on cost saving, lead time, obsolete and allocation purchasing opportunities. Jai Electronics plays a central role in the procurement and marketing of electronics components. We are an essential partner in the supply chain of OEMs, CEMs, authorized distributors, independent distributors and manufacturers worldwide.


  • ICs
  • Capacitors
  • MOVs
  • Diodes
  • IGBT
  • Mosfets
  • Transistors
  • LED Display
  • 7 Segment Display
  • LCD Display